Non-Commercial Advertisements
For Pontons for Sale
and Ponton
Swap Meet pages
- When selling or buying an automobile (and associated parts) on the internet,
there is a good chance you will be targeted by various schemes to defraud. It is important to
keep in mind that if you do not know the person with whom you are doing business – be wary
until a track record of proven dependability has been established.
- Educate and protect yourself by doing a quick internet search on
"cashier check fraud online buying" and "Nigerian fraud scam" before accepting
funds from a stranger.
- Advertisements placed on the Ponton Swap Meet and Pontons For Sale pages have
been repeated targets of the infamous Nigerian fraud scams, as well as various other scams. BEWARE!
- The editor does not guarantee nor warrantee in any way, shape, or form, the items listed for sale.
- Furthermore, no guarantee of availability or serviceability of the items are implied or expressed.
- Any transactions, real or imagined, generated by viewing these web pages is at the exclusive liability and risk of the buyer and seller.
- Similarly, the editor does not guarantee any photos or descriptions to accurately represent the items for sale.
- In viewing and/or acting on any information found on these web pages, you agree to hold
harmless, the editor, of any liability incurred by any possible communication and/or transaction.
Terms and Conditions
- Advertisements for Mercedes-Benz Ponton vehicles, parts, or related items from 1953-1962 will be posted
- Non-commercial advertisements from individuals are published at NO CHARGE
- Non-commercial advertisements expire, and are removed on the first day of the month following a two-month period
Non-commercial advertisements may include up to
three (3) JPEG photos
- The expiration date will be published in the right-most column of the table
- If items are sold before the expiration date, contact the editor so the ad can be revised or removed
- If items have not been sold after the ad has run its course, contact the editor to request renewal
- The editor reserves the right to reject or remove any advertisement at any time for any reason
All Non-Commercial "For Sale" Advertisements MUST Include
- A brief description of the vehicle or item
- Price of the vehicle or item in US dollars
- The location of the vehicle or item
- The name of the seller
- A way to contact the seller
All Non-Commercial "Wanted" Advertisements MUST Include
- A brief description of the vehicle or item
- The name of the buyer
- The location of the buyer
- A way to contact the buyer
Submit all non-commercial advertisements for
publication to: